In the next four blog posts, we will discuss Richway BioMat facts vs. fiction. This information comes from Richway International (the BioMat’s parent company). They have published a fact sheet to specifically debunk many myths that are “floating around” on the internet about bio-mats. The internet is a great source of information, however, not everything you see on-line is true. We hope you will find this series helpful as you determine if you are ready to purchase an authentic BioMat, as well as select your preferred authorized distributor who will give you excellent service and support.

First of all, be aware that some competitor products to the Richway BioMat pay bloggers/reviewers to obtain their favorable reviews of competing products. This is one way inaccurate claims are made. As a consumer, your job is to get the truth by researching thoroughly.

This chart may help you compare false claims vs. the truth about authentic BioMats:

CLAIMS from the Internet


Competitor mats have several different stones on both sides (top and bottom) and this is better because of the variety.

Actually, having stones on both sides could be a safety hazard and here’s why:  mats with stones on both sides may not have the thermal protection layer at the bottom (like the BioMat) to keep excess far infrared heat from travelling under the mat and onto the surface it is lying on. Over time, surfaces in contact with double-sided mats could be damaged more easily by the heat.

Further, because this thermal protection layer is on the bottom of the BioMat (the side without the stones), the user also receives more of the infrared heat benefits. This thermal protection layer allows the heat to travel up towards the user, not losing heat that travels downward and away from the user on competitive products/BioMat knock-offs.

Watch next week’s blog for continued information about Richway BioMat facts vs. fiction.